
Information publication scheme


Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) we are required to have an Information Publication Scheme (IPS).

The IPS commenced on 1 May 2011 and requires us to publish a broad range of information and make it available for downloading where possible.

We are committed to taking a proactive approach to publishing information. Below are headings for each of the categories of information we are publishing in our IPS entry. Under each heading are links to the information or documents.

Contact us if you have any difficulty accessing any information.

Information required to be published

Agency IPS plan

We are required under section 8(2)(a) of the FOI Act to publish our IPS plan.

  • Information Publication Scheme Agency Plan

Who we are

We are required under sections 8(2)(b) and 8(2)(d) of the FOI Act to publish information about the organisation and structure of the agency, the location of offices, governance arrangements, senior management team and statutory appointments. This information is available on the pages set out below.

  • About Us
  • Our Executive
  • Our organisational structure
  • Australian Border Force organisational structure
  • Our employee enterprise agreement
  • Information about careers with us

What we do

We are required under ss 8(2)(c) and 8(2)(j) of the FOI Act to publish a description of the functions and powers of the agency, and the rules, guidelines, practices and precedents relating to those functions and powers (that is, operational information). This information is available on the pages set out below.

  • About Us
  • Australian Border Force
  • Legal
  • LEGENDcom
  • Portfolio Legislation
  • Access and Accountability
  • Fact sheets and Forms

Legislation and regulations are not published on our website, but can be accessed from ComLaw website managed by the Attorney-General's Department.

Operational information

Our general operational information is found throughout our website, particularly in the following sections:

  • Plan, Policies and Charters

Australian Border Force 'operational information' is found on the ABF website:

  • Australian Border Force

Our reports and responses to parliament

We are required under ss 8(2)(e) and 8(2)(h) of the FOI Act to publish Annual reports laid before the Parliament, and other information routinely provided to the Parliament. Our reports and responses to parliament are found at Reports and Publications page. That page includes links to the following:

  • Department's annual reports tabled in Parliament
  • Portfolio Budget Statements
  • Corporate reports
  • Ombudsman's assessments
  • Senate Orders

Routinely requested information and FOI disclosure log

We are required under ss 8(2)(g) and 11C of the FOI Act to publish information to which the agency routinely gives access in response to FOI requests and the disclosure log of information that has been released under the FOI Act.

Information that can be published resulting from freedom of information requests and any routinely released information from such requests is found in our FOI disclosure log.

Consultation arrangements

We are required under s 8(2)(f) of the FOI Act to publish information about consultation arrangements that enable members of the public to comment on specific discussion papers for which the agency is responsible.

We employ a range of external consultation mechanisms, including through the release of issues or discussion papers, the use of blogs and other social media tools.

All public consultations on discussion papers will be listed on the following page:

  • Submission and Discussion Papers

This page can provide more information about how comments can be made on consultations.

Contact us

We are required under s 8(2)(i) of the FOI Act to publish contact details of an officer (or officers) who can be contacted about access to the agency's information under the FOI Act. We have comprehensive information about how you can make contact with us on the Contact us page

Other information required to be published

Our priorities

Under s 8(4) of the FOI Act, we publish information about the corporate and strategic plans of the agency.

  • Corporate Plan 2015-19
  • Fact Sheets

Our finances

Under s 8(4) of the FOI Act, we publish information about our finances, including information relating to pay and grading structures in the agency, procurement procedures, tendering and contracts. This information is available on the pages set out below.

  • Reports and Publications
  • Australian Government's AusTender site
  • Doing business with the Department
  • Enterprise agreement

Our lists

Under s 8(4) of the FOI Act, we publish information about agency contracts, grants and appointments, links to datasets published by the agency, information held in registers required by law, and other lists and registers relating to the agency's functions. This information can be found through our Contracts and Tenders page.

Our submissions

Under s 8(4) of the FOI Act, we publish information about our submissions to parliamentary committees and other inquiries. These can be found at our Reports and Publications page.

  • Submission and Discussion Papers
  • Reviews and Inquiries

Our policies

Under s 8(4) of the FOI Act, we publish our corporate policies. This information is available on below pages.

  • Policies
  • LEGENDcom

IPS compliance review

We will review the operation of the IPS annually and update its plan as required. Online information, in all formats, is regularly reviewed for currency and accuracy. Outdated information is replaced and archived.

Our objective is to ensure transparency and openness with the public in its decision-making processes. We will ensure that comments made by the public, in relation to this Agency Plan will be taken into account and the plan amended as appropriate.

Feedback on our IPS Agency Plan can be forwarded to:

Postal address
Freedom of Information Section
Department of Home Affairs
PO Box 25
Belconnen ACT 2616
Email us.