
Using our website

Copyright and disclaimer

Copyright and trademarks are important parts of our website. You should keep them in mind when using our website.

The Commonwealth of Australia owns all the material we produce. All material presented on this website is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence, with the exception of:

  • the Commonwealth Coat of Arms – terms of use are available at It’s an Honour
  • our logo
  • materials specifically not provided under a Creative Commons attribution 3.0 Australia licence
  • content supplied by third parties.

License details and conditions are available at Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia.

You should attribute material you get from this website as Australian Government Department of Home Affairs.

Third party copyright

The copyright held by a third party to material on our website stays with that third party. We might need their permission to use the material.

We have made all reasonable efforts to:

  • label clearly the material where the copyright is owned by a third party
  • ensure we have the consent of the copyright owner to use this material on our website.


Our logo is a registered trademark of the Commonwealth of Australia and must not be used without the prior, specific, written permission of the Commonwealth of Australia. If you want permission, email us.

More information

For further information about copyright and trademark, contact our Communication and Media Branch at us.

For all other enquiries, contact us.


Conditions of use

By using this website you accept the following conditions:

  • the Commonwealth of Australia accepts no responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of any of the information contained on or accessed through this website and makes no representations about its suitability for any particular purpose
  • we make every effort to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and comprehensive. However, the information is only intended as a basic guide to relevant laws, and does not address the complexities of particular circumstances
  • you should seek independent advice about your individual circumstances
  • to the extent permitted by law, the Commonwealth excludes all liability for loss or damage arising from the use of, or reliance on, the information contained on or accessed through this website whether or not caused by any negligence on the part of the Commonwealth or its agents.
  • we make every effort to ensure that links on this site are kept up-to-date. The currency of the links is dependent upon the owners of those sites letting us know of any changes. If you find a link that does not work, please contact us by telephone or via the online feedback form.

See: Contact Us and Client Feedback.

Information or materials which are offensive, pornographic, unsuitable for minors access or otherwise of a criminal or violent nature may be accessible through this site either as a result of hacking or material placed on linked websites.

The Commonwealth makes no representations as to the suitability of the information accessible for viewing by minors or any other person.

You assume all risks associated with use of the web site, including:

  • risk of your computer, software or data being damaged by any virus which might be transmitted or activated via the website or your access to it
  • or the risk that the content of this website and linked web sites complies with the laws of any country outside Australia.

Your use of this website will be logged for the purpose of security and usage monitoring. For further information refer to the websites Privacy Statement.

See: Privacy Statement

Unauthorised use of this website could result in criminal prosecution.

This website is hosted on a web server in Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

These terms are governed by the law in force in the ACT and any dispute about these terms or the contents of this web site are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the ACT and the courts of appeal from them.

Visa Finder

In addition to the general conditions of use of this website, by using the Visa Finder information tool, you accept the following conditions:

  • the Visa Finder is intended only to be used as an entry level assistance tool to introduce basic information about potential visa options
  • the Visa Finder displays information about potential visa options for primary applicants only. The Visa Finder does not allow for the addition of secondary applicants and does not take them into consideration in the material displayed. The addition of secondary applicants to your visa application may affect your eligibility to be granted a visa
  • the Visa Finder does not provide a complete summary of all the visas that may be available to an individual and makes no recommendations regarding visas that are appropriate for that individual, or if a visa is likely to be granted with the information provided
  • the Visa Finder makes no recommendation as to which visa subclass is appropriate for you and gives no guarantee or assurance as to whether you or anyone attached to any future visa application would be granted any visa
  • most visa subclasses have eligibility criteria prescribed by legislation that are additional to any information presented or used by the Visa Finder including, but not limited to, health conditions and character conditions. Some eligibility criteria apply specifically to streams within visa subclasses. The Visa Finder makes no recommendation as to which eligibility criteria apply in your circumstances and gives no guarantee or assurance as to whether you or any secondary applicants meet the eligibility criteria for any visa
  • the Visa Finder uses simple age groupings to identify visa subclasses that might be appropriate for you. These age groupings are non-specific and are designed for guidance purposes only. Therefore they are not a substitute for and do not override the legislative age requirements for each visa subclass and/or stream
  • the “eligible countries of passport” for most visa subclasses are determined by legislation and are subject to frequent change. While the Visa Finder endeavours to present helpful information, the relevant legislation is the only source of truth for current eligible countries of passport for visa subclasses
  • use of the Visa Finder is not a substitute for exercising your own judgment, making your own enquiries and/or obtaining independent advice regarding which visas may be relevant to your circumstances
  • the Commonwealth of Australia does not guarantee the accuracy, currency or completeness of any material in the Visa Finder. The Commonwealth of Australia does not accept any responsibility or liability arising from or connected to the material in the Visa Finder or any reliance upon the Visa Finder, whether or not caused by the negligence of the Commonwealth or its agents.

For the conditions of use and full disclaimer for this website, please refer to the copyright and disclaimer information above.